Cannon Training Preview tonight in San Diego
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Some of you have noticed my excitement after the fact with regard to Cannon Training and Development's preview nights. I'm mentioning it before the fact this time. You can click on the title of today's post to visit the site and get the phone number if you're in the San Diego area and would like to attend. Or you can visit: phone
If you are not close geographically, I would definitely consider flying in to do this work. Cannon Training's Magnificent Life Seminar series, along with coaching and other educational events, is really a great way to get to where you want to be faster in your life. Do you know someone who would like better relationships at work or at home? Do you know someone who would like true clarity on what they want to do with the next phase of their life? Know anyone in transition? If you're a manager, would you like to have your people truly be on your side? How would you like to get 80% of their potential all the time [forget about hyperbole, this is real activity] except in times of crisis, when you'll get 99-100% of their potential working to achieve your shared goals? What would it look like if they KNEW you were truly on their side, in the trenches with them? Does it matter to them to "get" that you care about their career progress?
What if the skills you learn at Cannon Training are transferable to your home? What if you don't come home and yell at your spouse? What if you let your kids know how magnificent they are? What if you truly internalize that you are magnificent? What if you actually made more money because of the skills you learn through Cannon Training? How would your life look then? Call Cannon Training. I've been through this work. I'm familiar with this work. I know this work. I know who I am and where I'm going. Who do you know that could benefit from greater relationship and career skills? Call Cannon Training today.
Blog Stuff-
Check out this great new site that lets you read your favorite blogs cleanly. I've subscribed to WeAreGrowing, so I know you can do it, too. Next one will be Crystal Clear, I mean, how can you NOT be rooting for her? I'll fill you in more as I get to know the details. So far I love Feedster!
Some of WeAreGrowing at
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