Yoshimi, BestRest.biz, and tools for networking
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Looks like the major computer problems are behind me and I've really enjoyed working online with Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots, Do You Realize?, Thank You Jack White, and the rest of The Flaming Lips album playing in the background. You can listen at:
When I first started using the internet around 8 years ago, I actually worked with the sound turned down. I know. I'm an interesting guy...I've never been someone who illegally downloaded music and I really appreciate groups like The Flaming Lips who make that music available for you to check out. I first heard Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots several months ago and I was wowed. I finally decided to search "Yoshime" when I heard it again the other day on 91X. Now I'm listening to it while I write this. How cool. Yoshimi to me sounds like a combination of America, The Buggles, ELO, The Art of Noise, and smidgens of The Partridge Family and possibly Kraftwerk. I saw Sideways with my sweetie last night and the way they tasted the wine and noticed subtle ingredients reminds me of The Flaming Lips music on this album. In The Morning Of The Magicians makes me think a little bit of Neil Young. There are more ingredients I haven't identified yet. I will definitely purchase this music.
One of the great networking tools that I use while I listen to Yoshimi and the rest is a program that lets me send out greeting cards in the "live" world by punching in the information online. You can keep your contact list online and send "real world" greeting cards to people with some keystrokes. I sent a card this morning as I have most mornings this week and it's not just a great way to keep in touch in this increasingly, incredibly high-tech age. Sending out a positive, sincere message is a great way to start your day. It's a bargain compared to buying a greeting card in the store and the beautiful fonts are much better than my handwriting.
People have almost universally thanked me for the beautiful cards. Except one of my relatives, of course! People at church sought me out to thank me for the card. My network spinal analysis chiropractor loves them for herself and her clients. You can also create income with these greeting cards if you choose to go that route. I'm sure you know lots of people in business who could use these. You can join me in business or you can send them to me if you prefer and I'll help them get more organized and create a higher retention rate among their customers. You can fill in your information and check out the technology by doing three things. I have a survey for people to fill out who would like to understand how I can help them create more income and the entrance to that survey is at:
After you read that page, you can click on the link to take you to the survey page.
Once you view those two pages and fill out the survey, I'll send you the entrance to fill out the form and receive a sample account to send a card to a couple friends.
It's amazing how putting smiles on people's faces can brighten your life, too. This is a tool that makes things easier and that's something I like.
Blog stuff-
The more I use StatCounter.com, the more I love it. Use this counter for your blogs and websites if you must choose only one. Using it has also allowed me to see how effective another site is. If you use BlogExplosion or something like it, you will see an increase in traffic to your sites by using TrafficPods. It's similar to BlogExplosion in that when you introduce someone to the site through your affiliate link, you receive traffic based upon a fraction of that person's efforts. A difference is that you're not simply viewing blogs, but lots of different [and some not so different] websites. So it's another way we can help each other while we help ourselves.
I just had a scare with my computer so I'm going to post this now and modify it later...
New Year's resolution link #13
Help me succeed with my New Year's resolution by clicking the links you find here
Tai from my Toastmasters club spoke yesterday about something I have not heard of before. Please check out this important story and I'll have more later.
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