Tuesday, November 30, 2004

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Excited and Sleepy!...

I'm excited about Cannon Training and Development's new strategy and I'm tired at the same time. We had a great get together again this week and the group of graduates is growing. I want to remind those of you from IB that you really want to get on LinkedIn and vice-versa. I want to get some good inspirational information out right away, so I'll share something that hits my mailbox several times a week.


You must take the first step to win any race.
The first step will take some effort and maybe some pain.
But after that, everything you have to do is real - life movement.
Once you're moving you must keep moving.

Create a definite plan for carrying out your desires
and begin at once, whether you're ready or not,
to put your plan into action.

If you can get up the courage to begin,
you have the courage to succeed.
You can only fail if you fail to start.

Winning starts with beginning.

©2004 by Max Steingart www.maxsteingart.com
Reproduce freely but maintain © notice

Blogarama - The Blog DirectoryListed on Blogwise Subscribe with Bloglines


I start people on the coaching path through an acrostic for Brainstorming, Authenticity, Humor, and Networking - B.A.H.N. I believe that these are important starting points down the path. I looked up Bahn in an English-German dictionary and these are the first five entries.

alley -- die Bahn
course -- die Bahn
lane -- die Bahn
orbit -- die Bahn

PATH -- die Bahn (Komet)

The New English-German Dictionary

What path are you on? Some of you may recognize the word autobahn, which is a famous roadway [path] in Germany which has no speed limit in some places. I've taken the auto off and simply use BAHN. Many people think that the automation available through technology is the same as AUTOMATIC. We need to remember that no relationships, whether business or otherwise, are automatic. So, I purposely leave the auto off.

Even with great technology like LinkedIn, networking is not automatic. I have been on the phone a few times already this morning, introducing myself to people who are connected to people connected to me. I've had some good success and look forward to a nice turnout for a breakfast I'm hosting starting in January. For those of you who are not connected to me at LinkedIn, now is a great time! I can coach you on how to use LinkedIn.com in a powerful way. Zig Ziglar says that "You can get what you want by helping enough people get what they want." Are you networking and helping people get what they want?


Let us live so that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry.

Mark Twain (American humorist, writer and lecturer. 1835-1910) - ThinkExist.com

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