Tuesday, January 04, 2005

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Time for Speechmasters

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I'm just about to leave for a class I teach to 6th thru 8th graders. I call it Speechmasters and it's sort of like a junior version of Toastmasters. It's not Speech and Debate, just public speaking. If you click on the title of today's blog, you'll link to Toastmasters International. I highly recommend it if you're scared to get up in front of a group or if you simply want to improve your speaking style.

I just started forwarding a URL for kids in school. By the time this goes out, it might still connect to a business I'm involved in, but it will change soon. Long term I plan to have links that are helpful to kids in school, starting with this link to a page on speechmaking. Here's the URL-


Here's a question:
Are there any Presbyterians out there? Say hi!

New Year's resolution link #4
Help me succeed with my New Year's resolution by clicking the links you find here!


Grow Loyal Clients

Blogarama - The Blog DirectoryListed on Blogwise Subscribe with Bloglines

Milestones for WeAreGrowing continued

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Anyone else in this position? I'm using my son's computer this morning because of technical problems with mine! If you've sent me email, I am sorry I haven't gotten back to you. For years I never used an email client. I always got my email off the web. I love downloading that email to my computer now, but I cannot respond to it right now because it's on my computer, not my son's.

I've added Statcounter so that I can compare the tracking between it and Sitemeter.

If you search Google for WeAreGrowing, this site comes up #1! Woohoo!

Yesterday was my 30th post to this blog [31 doesn't seem like a milestone that's noted, but technical difficulties made me cut that post short].

I have apparently stepped up to a new level on traffic. I found that the early part of the day yesterday was not very busy. Page impressions went from the low 300's a few days ago to Jan 1- 727 , Jan 2- 871, Jan 3- 768. Some folks may not be impressed, but to more than double the traffic is great. If I do that every couple weeks, whew!

Someone visited WeAreGrowing by searching for "Trader Joe's Truffles" at Google! I mentioned them in an earlier post. I think that's funny and cool!

I will continue to comment on blogging and how you can improve your blog, but that will be a section in the future. I really am about personal and professional growth and I see that blogging will be huge in the future for many of you. If you're in business or want to further your career, you should absolutely start a blog and be ok with making mistakes. Shut it down if you don't like it.

Regularly expressing your thoughts, opinions, expertise, etc... is excellent for getting your creative juices flowing and the 21st century is rewarding creativity more than in the past. More and more every day in fact.

New Year's resolution link #4
Help me succeed with my New Year's resolution by clicking the links you find here!


Grow Loyal Clients

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