Getting Ready to Get Ready?
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One of the challenges that some people face is "getting ready to get ready". So many people want to have all their ducks in a row before they get going. As readers of my blog can attest, this is not a problem at WeAreGrowing. I am learning from experiences, victories & mistakes as I go. I urge you to do the same, especially when creating your blog or website. One reason why this strategy is a good fit for blogging is that creating a blog doesn't require a large investment of time or money.
You can waste a lot of time, but if you're interested in learning how to do this, you can learn by doing. The blogging experience is quite, well, experiential.
I want to remind you that I'm not a computer or programming whiz. I'm just a guy who looks and searches and finds out how to do the things I want to do. I know very little about the programming code that makes all this possible. I have learned <-b-r-> [without the hyphens] will allow you to place a vertical space or break in your text or between images. I know how to place those clickable links within the text that you occasionally see.
Most of the time I simply cut and paste the code. The key is remembering where you put the code so that you can remove it later. As you look at the following paragraph, remember, I cut and pasted the HTML which was provided by the blogroll people.
I absolutely love this new toy/code I've found through Just like always, you can click on the title of today's blog to visit one of their links. All I did was cut and paste that URL into the space provided by blogger as I created this post in the WeAreGrowing back office. I would have had a hint at what a great service/product this is by looking at the bottom of their site to see this:
Copyright © 2004, Tucows Inc
I have heard about Tucows for years and I'm finally reaching the point where their great stuff is relevant to what I'm doing. Check them out, too.
If you scroll down the left side of this page, just above the Blogger icon, you'll see what I'm talking about. Put your cursor over and watch what comes up BEFORE you click on the link. I do believe that you'll see this blog transform as you revisit this site. So, add to your favorites and keep coming back. Learn with me!
New Year's resolution link #1
Help me succeed with my New Year's resolution by clicking the links you find here!
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