Time to take my sweetie to school to drop off lesson plans
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I guess I'm a little out of the loop. It seems she got ahold of the substitute teacher and was able to tell him everything he needed to know. Her back is still giving her serious trouble, and she's definitely not a whiny person. She's beautiful AND tough.
So, no trip to school for now...
I am blown away by all this blogging technology and trying out different things. The links above these words are now set to appear in every blog. What was that pin I used to see? PBP.GNFWMY - Please be patient. God's not finished with me yet. Hey, here's an idea. Anyone out there want to make some and send me one? That would be great!
Some of you are here to learn more about networking, personal growth, and income growth and you might be wondering about this mental meandering today. Consider it part of your personal growth. Everything in life cannot be go, go, go. I remember learning in History or Civics that the former Soviet Union tried to get people to work seven days a week for a while and found that they were more productive with one day off. It seems we all have a spiritual side that needs to be nurtured no matter what beliefs or religion we hold dear. So, this blog might not APPEAR productive today, but, maybe that's what you need right now.
I teach a class I call SpeechMasters for sixth through eighth graders at my son's home school program - CHEP (Community Home Education Program)- and I came up with a little saying with words repeating the same ending.
I even converted it to a formula:
V -> Ob(Con)
Vegetation produces Obliteration of Conversation. I've heard of alliteration which I'm pretty sure applies to the beginning of words. Does anyone know the name for words in succession [or close to it] with similar endings?
I'm a good kind of tired as they sometimes say. :-)